Meet Mandy
Mandy is a children’s author, poet and illustrator, currently working on the illustrations for her first picture book FLORA'S BASKET, to be published by Little Pink Dog Books. She has worked as a children’s entertainer using the mediums of marionette puppetry, small scale theatre and singing.
Over the years Mandy has received numerous awards for her writing and art.

Also writing poetry for children, Mandy is currently leading the co-ordination of a project, collating a children’s poetry anthology named ’Threatened Treasures.’ The anthology is about Australia’s threatened flora, fauna and ecological communities and is being facilitated by a large team of children’s literature community members. You can read more about the project at www.threatenedtreasures.com

Mandy is a trained and experienced primary school teacher with particular interests in early literacy, music education, the arts, equity and child welfare. Over the last 30 years Mandy has worked as a classroom teacher, a specialist classroom music teacher, a private music teacher and has also conducted children’s choirs and bands.
Whilst teaching at Neutral Bay P.S. Mandy had the privilege of implementing Musica Viva’s Dattiwuy Dreaming Program which sparked within her a deep desire to see all young Australians learn about Australia’s First Nations peoples and their culture.

Mandy is a moderator in the very popular children’s literature Facebook group The Duckpond. This group has around 1000 members including aspiring, emerging and established children’s literature professionals; authors, poets, illustrators, editors, publishers and other industry leaders. The Duck Pond is an offshoot of Jen Storer’s very successful Girl and Duck business. https://girlandduck.com/